Buyers Opt for Better Transport Links Over Spacious Homes

2 mins
August 27, 2024

New research from Market Financial Solutions (MFS) highlights a significant shift in property investment priorities post-pandemic. Homebuyers are now prioritising properties with better transport links, placing less emphasis on square footage. The survey, conducted among 412 UK adults who have either purchased or are in the process of buying a property, reveals that convenience has overtaken space as a key factor in the property market.

Broadband Connectivity Ranks as Top Priority in Property Investment

For the first time, broadband and mobile connectivity (82%) have become the most critical factors for homebuyers, surpassing the demand for gardens and outdoor spaces (76%). This shift highlights the increasing importance of staying connected in today’s digital age. Property investors should note that reliable connectivity is now essential for attracting buyers, particularly as remote working continues to shape buying decisions.

Proximity to Public Spaces Gains Importance in Buy-to-Let Investments

The proximity of a property to parks and public spaces has grown in importance, cited by 74% of respondents as a key consideration. This factor has moved up in priority since 2021, indicating that access to green spaces is becoming increasingly valuable. For buy-to-let investors, properties near parks are more likely to appeal to tenants seeking lifestyle benefits that extend beyond the home.

Quality Over Quantity: Homebuyers Prioritise Property Finishes

The quality and finish of properties have also emerged as top considerations for homebuyers, with 74% of respondents rating them as crucial. This trend signifies a move towards prioritising well-maintained homes over larger spaces, as homebuyers place a higher value on convenience and ready-to-move-in properties. For property investors, ensuring a high standard of finish can be a decisive factor in securing buyers or tenants.

Better Transport Links Trump Larger Homes in Property Investment

One of the most notable trends in property investment is the increasing importance of transport links. The survey reveals that transport connectivity has jumped from 14th place in 2021 to 6th in 2024, with 74% of homebuyers considering it a key factor. This shift suggests that as remote work decreases, access to transport options is becoming a top priority for buyers. Investors looking to maximise returns should focus on properties with strong transport connections.

Declining Demand for Extensions and Larger Spaces in Buy-to-Let Market

On the flip side, the potential for property extensions and conversions has seen a significant drop in importance, falling from 8th to 14th place. Additionally, square footage has become less critical, dropping from 2nd in 2021 to 7th in 2024. These changes indicate that the "race for space" prompted by the pandemic is losing momentum, with buyers now favouring convenience and connectivity over larger properties. For property investors, this shift emphasises the need to adapt investment strategies to align with changing buyer preferences.

The Future of Property Investment: Convenience Over Expansion

Paresh Raja, CEO of Market Financial Solutions, points out that homebuyers' priorities are evolving as we transition out of the pandemic. The emphasis on transport links and connectivity over larger living spaces suggests a return to pre-pandemic preferences. This trend has significant implications for property investors, lenders, and brokers, who must adapt their offerings to meet these evolving demands. As the government moves forward with plans to build new homes, it will be crucial for the property sector to remain agile and responsive to these shifting buyer priorities.

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